Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Undiscovered Self by C. G. Jung & Our Reading Schedule

Zophorian and I are currently reading The Undiscovered Self by Jung. As one of the last pieces he wrote, this sizeable essay employs many of his concepts to critique the relationship between the individual and mass society. Though I've read only the first section, I can see that the work is haunted by the mass politics of the 30s and 40s--particularly those movements like Nazi eugenics that sought to empower and ennoble certain peoples (blonde-types) through scientific means. I wonder at this point if we can call Jung a radical humanist or radical subjectivist and how he will resolve this tension between science and individual agency. Perhaps his gripe is just with the State's use of science though. We shall see.

Zophy and I plan to read two sections every week, posting on Wednesdays or Saturdays. Thus, I'll post this Sat (6/24) on section 1 and Wed (6/28) on section 2. The rest is as follows:

section 3 = 7/1
section 4 = 7/5
section 5 = 7/8
section 6 = 7/12
section 7 = 7/15


Blogger Zophorian said...

Sounds like a plan. I am anxious to get on-line and read Saturday. Actually, it will be more like Sunday morning where I am. :)

And, I don’t want to be seen as jumping over you when I post early. But because of my schedule and the time difference I may be posting earlier… As I will tonight.

12:57 PM  

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